Pale Lagers and Hops Webinar

Date: June 5th , 2021, 8PM-10PM
Webinar Platform: Zoom

Sample line-up; Urquell in the glass. サンプルライナップ、ウルケルがグラスに注いでいます。

Event information in English below the Japanese.


サンプルリストと仕様です。Sample list with specifications.


  1. Zoomソフトを事前にダウンロードし、ご使用の端末(スマホ/パソコン)で動作確認をお願いします。
  2. 事前に配信されるプリントの印刷及び筆記用具をご用意ください。
  3. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
Four kinds of noble hops and Pilsner malt. ノートパソコン種類とピルスナーモルト。

Event information in English:
In this webinar we will rub 4 kinds of noble hops and taste some Pilsner malt, then, with ingredient aromas and flavor in mind we will proceed to taste beers made with the same. Participants must have a phone or a laptop with a web-camera and internet access to participate. Beer sample list will be provided after the attendees RSVP as going on the Facebook event page (top of the page). You have to order the samples 2-3 business days before the event to make sure they will arrive on time. Total sample cost should be 2,370yen. I am also separately collecting 1000yen as a participation fee. I am not affiliated bottle shop stores on the sample list. Please order the beer only from the provided links – we must have samples from the same shop/batch/expiration dates. Zoom invitation link will be provided by Facebook Messenger directly before the start time.

Notes for participants:

  1. Please download Zoom in advance. Test it and make sure it works on your phone/computer.
  2. Print out the required activity sheets that will be provided beforehand and have pen or a pencil to take notes.
  3. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).

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