American Food and Craft Beer Pairing Course Meal

Date: July 2nd (Sunday) , 2023, 1PM-3PM (Presentation start 1PM)
Venue: new Silver Lining Osaka location

Course meal images. コース料理の画像です。

English below the event summary in Japanese.



1.         Brouwerij Van Den Bossche (Belgium) – Pater Lieven Wit 4.5%ABV コリアンダーが香る甘さ控えめのドライなエールです。前菜のレタスと角切りトマトのサラダ(Herbs De Provenceビネガードレッシング)と合わせます。

2.         ノムクラフト・ブルーイング(和歌山県) – 4thレボリューション・ペールエール 5.0%ABV トロピカルフルーツのアロマを持つ、軽い苦味と飲み口のアメリカン・ペールエールです。ブルーコーントルティーヤチップスとマイルドなメキシカンサルサクルーダソースと合わせます

3.         ブラッスリーデュポン(ベルギー) – セゾンデュポン 6.5%ABV シトラスとペッパーの香りがする、非常にドライで発泡性のあるエールです。BBQソースとコールスローをトッピングしたプルドポークサンドイッチと合わせます。

4.         ノムクラフト・ブルーイング(和歌山県) – パレオパーク 7.5%ABV トロピカルフルーツのアロマを持つ、苦味が強いDouble IPAです。バッファローマイルドソースで和えたチキンウィングと合わせる

5.         Jackie O’s(アメリカ・オハイオ州) – Dark Apparition 10.5%ABV チョコレートとコーヒーの風味を持つ、しっかりとしたアルコール度数のダークエールです。ラズベリーソースのチュロスとバニラアイスクリームのデザートと一緒にどうぞ。


お二人様コース 9000円税込み(お一人様4750円)。

The American food restaurant Silver Lining Osaka have commissioned me to prepare a course meal for their soft opening at the new location in Kita Horie! While the menu should be available to order before 6PM, I will be doing a presentation from 1PM. I have the pleasure to speak about the thoughts behind creating this menu and how the aromas and flavors of each of the pairings work together. Short explanation printed leaflets will be also will be available for those who miss my presentation.

Below is the planned pairings list. A two-person set will include 5 dishes while a one-person set will have 4 pairs excluding the Chips and Salsa pair.

  1. Brouwerij Van Den Bossche (Belgium) – Pater Lieven Wit 4.5%ABV is a lightly sweet yet dry ale with coriander. Paired with appetizer of lettuce and diced tomato salad dressed with Herbs De Provence vinegar dressing
  2. Nomcraft Brewing (Wakayama, Japan) – 4th Revolution Pale Ale 5.0%ABV is American Pale Ale exhibiting tropical fruit aromas and medium light bitterness – highly drinkable. Paired with Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and a mild Mexican Salsa cruda sauce. (This course is not served in the single course set)
  3. Brasserie Dupont – Saidon Dupont 6.5%ABV A classic Belgian Saison style ale with wheat and light white cracker like flavors, highly effervescent, fruity with citrus rind and white pepper like notes. Paired with Pulled Pork sandwich with a BBQ sauce and coleslaw topping. 
  4. Nomcraft Brewing (Wakayama, Japan) – Paleo Park 7.5%ABV a highly bitter and moderately strong ale with a different spin of tropical fruit with a big passion fruit-like bouquet with dank notes. Paired with Chicken Wings tossed in Buffalo mild sauce (can be switched to Extra Hot sauce)
  5. Jackie O’s – Dark Apparition 10.5%ABV is a big dark ale displaying milk and dark chocolate and roasted coffe with a big wallop of sweetness and alcohol held back lightly by hop bitterness. Paired with Dessert Churros with raspberry sauce and Vanilla Ice-Cream side

One-person course set – 7000 Yen tax included.
Four dishes and four full bottles/cans of beer.

Two-person course set – 9000 Yen tax included (4,750 Yen a person).
Five bottles/cans split between two people paired with a five-course meal.