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Beerjuku’s “juku” in Japanese refers to “private tutoring” or a “cram school”. You can find a small and cozy juku in just about any neighborhood in Japanese cities. There, in the hours of the late evening, school students are taught in small groups. The subjects taught at each juku cover a wide variety, and the students are mainly teenagers. The goal is to prepare for an examination, or study subject matter not covered in a school’s syllabus. At Beerjuku we aim to educate an adult audience, and subject matter is – you guessed it –beer!

Online. Easy access to study material anywhere, and at anytime. We have plans to open a small space for IRL sessions, but in the meantime, tasting panels, food-pairing seminars, and other beer-related lectures will take place at craft beer venues around Osaka City, Japan.

Daniel Kotlikov, founder of Beerjuku, is a quad-lingual beer enthusiast whose passion for beer evolved beyond drinking for fun. Daniel is a Certified Cicerone® and JCBA’s Beer Judge, who continually pursues the quest of beer knowledge and aspires to become an excellent beer teacher in both English and Japanese languages. For someone coming from outside the industry it’s a serious undertaking, but Daniel is up for the challenge.

Beer Off-Flavor tasting at Cafe Imazato, Osaka