Beer Off Flavors 1

開催日2024年7月22日11時~14時Date: July 22nd, 2024, 11AM-2PM
開催場所 Bridge Beers Brewing JR西明石駅 Venue: Bridge Beers Brewing (JR Nishi Akashi)
住所 Address:
定員10人 Capacity: 10 people
参加連絡 FB RSVP:

In the first event we will be tasting 10 kinds of off-flavors.

English below the event summary in Japanese.


List of samples for first and second events.


  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

In the first part of the beer off-flavor seminar we will be sampling 10 off-flavors highlighted in green in the below list. Second part of the seminar is planned to August 19th then we will sample the remaining off-flavors highlighted in orange color. Beer off flavor spikes, beer cost and participation fee inclusive event participation cost is 8,000 yen. Please order a pint as a thank you to Bridge Beers for letting us use the the space.

List of samples for first and second events.

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Flanders Red and Oud Bruin Comparison Tasting

Date: August 19th , 2023, 2PM-4PM
Venue: “torne” Craft Beer Bar
Capacity: 10 people

Event’s samples. イベントサンプルです。

English below the event summary in Japanese.




  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

After a brief explanation about the history and beer specs, in this comparison tasting event we will be first tasting Flanders Red and Oud Bruin, then we will proceed and taste old vintages of the same. Total cost of the event including beer and participation is 4,000yen. As a token of thanks for providing the event space the participants are encouraged to buy a pint after the seminar is over.

Below is the sample list:

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

German Styles Tasting 1

Date: April 3rd , 2022, 6PM-8PM
Venue: Midnight, Kobe (Doubles as a Webinar)
Webinar Platform: Zoom

English below the event summary in Japanese.

このイベントはface-to-faceで開催されますがインターネットからも参加可能となっております。本勉強会は教科書「The Road to Cicerone® 」を使用したドイツビールスタイル勉強会の第1回です。店内グループのビールサンプルの量が少ないため参加者は開催者を含めて6人に限られます。今回もビールサンプル料の4469円は参加者で割り勘します。別途参加費として1,000円を頂きます。宜しくお願い致します。

Road to Cicerone ® German and Czech Beer Styles

Activity 2a: Malt Tasting Worksheet
Activity 2b: Malt Flavors in Beer
Activity 3a: German and Czech Hop Flavors
Activity 4a: Fermentation Flavors

サンプルの予定リストです。Sample list for this study session.


  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。

This in-person event doubles as a webinar. It is a study session for The Road to Cicerone® study aids and the 1st for the German Styles study aid. Number of attendees at the venue is limited to 6 people due to limited amount of samples. Beer sample cost of 4469yen will be split between the attendees. I am also separately collecting 1000yen as a participation fee.

The activity list is as follows:
Activity 2a: Malt Tasting Worksheet
Activity 2b: Malt Flavors in Beer
Activity 3a: German and Czech Hop Flavors
Activity 4a: Fermentation Flavors

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

Cicerone Study Activity Session #12 (Webinar)

Date: July 6th , 2020, 9:00PM-11:00PM
Venue: Online – Webinar (Google Meet)

English below the event summary in Japanese.

英語のみです。本ウェビナーは教科書「The Road to Cicerone® 」を使用したBEERJUKUセッションの第12回目となり、アメリカンビアスタイル勉強会の第5回目となります。当方はシセロン認定資格プログラムの関係者ではありませんが、参加する為には下記のリンクより教科書の購入が必要です。

Road to Cicerone ®, American Beer Styles Course

Activity 8a: Wheat Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 8b: Blonde Ale Comparison Tasting

新型コロナウイルス拡大第2波のリスクを避けるため、当面はウェビナーでの開催を続けます。参加にはスマホかWebカメラ付きノートパソコン及びインターネット環境が必要です。FBイベント参加者にはFBメッセンジャーでビールサンプル表を送信します。開催日までに届く様にサンプルの注文は2~3営業日前までにお願いします。購入は表に記載したリンクからのみお願いします。同じ購入先を使用することで参加者が同じ状態のサンプルを試飲できる為。イベント開催直前にGoogle Meetの招待状リンクをFBメッセンジャーにて送信します。

ビールサンプルの予定リストです。Beer Sample list for this study session.


  1. Google Meetソフトを事前にダウンロードし、ご使用の端末(スマホ/パソコン)で動作確認をお願いします。
  2. 事前に配信されるプリントの印刷及び筆記用具をご用意ください。
  3. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。

This webinar is 12th in a series of Beerjuku study sessions for The Road to Cicerone® study aids and 5th for the American Styles study aid. I am not affiliated with Cicerone® Certification program, however, to participate you need to purchase the study aid at the link below.

The activity list is as follows:
Activity 8a: Wheat Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 8b: Blonde Ale Comparison Tasting

We are continuing with webinars due to risk of Covid-19 second pandemic wave. Participants must have a phone or a laptop with a web-camera and internet access to participate. Beer sample list will be provided after the attendees RSVP as going on the Facebook event page. You have to order the samples 2-3 business days before the event to make sure they will arrive on time. I am not affiliated bottle shop stores on the sample list. Please order the beer only from the provided links – we must have samples from the same shop/batch/expiration dates. Google Meet invitation link will be provided by Facebook Messenger directly before the start time.

Notes for participants:

  1. Please download Google Meet in advance. Test it and make sure it works on your phone/computer.
  2. Print out the required activity sheets that will be provided beforehand and have pen or a pencil to take notes.
  3. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link:

Cicerone Study Activity Session #8 (Webinar)

Date: April 20th , 2020, 9:00PM-11:00PM
Venue: Online – Webinar

English below the event summary in Japanese.


Activity 12b: Dark Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 15b: German Ale Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Road to Cicerone ®, German Beer Styles Course



  1. Zoomソフトを事前にダウンロードし、ご使用の端末(スマホ/パソコン)で動作確認をお願いします。
  2. 事前に配信されるプリントの印刷及び筆記用具をご用意ください。
  3. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。


The 8th session is a fourth in succession of sessions for The Road to Cicerone ® German Beer Styles study aid. Due to Covid-19 and the resulting social distancing, the session be run remotely, hosted on Zoom. Participants must have a phone or a laptop with a web-camera and internet access to participate. Beer sample list will be provided after the attendees RSVP as going on the Facebook event page. You have to order the beer 2-3 business days before the event to make sure that it will arrive on time. I am not affiliated bottle shop stores on the sample list. Please order the beer only from the provided links – we must have samples from the same shop/batch/expiration dates. Zoom invitation link will be provided by Facebook Messenger directly before the start time.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 12b: Dark Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 15b: German Ale Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Notes for participants:

  1. Please download Zoom software prior to the activity. Test it and make sure it works on your phone/computer.
  2. Print out the required activity sheets that will be provided beforehand and have pen or a pencil to take notes.
  3. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way.

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link:

See you there!

Cicerone Study Activity Session #6 (Webinar)

Date: April 6th , 2020, 9:00PM-11:00PM
Venue: Online – Webinar

English below the event summary in Japanese.


Activity 4a: Fermentation Flavors
Activity 10b: Dunkel vs. Schwarzbier Comparison Tasting
Activity 12a: Bock Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Road to Cicerone ®, German Beer Styles Course



  1. Zoomソフトを事前にダウンロードし、ご使用の端末(スマホ/パソコン)で動作確認をお願いします。
  2. 事前に配信されるプリントの印刷及び筆記用具をご用意ください。
  3. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。


The 6th session is a second in succession of sessions for The Road to Cicerone ® German Beer Styles study aid. Due to Covid-19 and the resulting social distancing, the session be run remotely, hosted on Zoom. Participants must have a phone or a laptop with a web-camera and internet access to participate. Beer sample list will be provided after the attendees RSVP as going on the Facebook event page. You have to order the beer 2-3 business days before the event to make sure that it will arrive on time. I am not affiliated bottle shop stores on the sample list. Please order the beer only from the provided links – we must have samples from the same shop/batch/expiration dates. Zoom invitation link will be provided by Facebook Messenger directly before the start time.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 4a: Fermentation Flavors
Activity 10b: Dunkel vs. Schwarzbier Comparison Tasting
Activity 12a: Bock Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Notes for participants:

  1. Please download Zoom software prior to the activity. Test it and make sure it works on your phone/computer.
  2. Print out the required activity sheets that will be provided beforehand and have pen or a pencil to take notes.
  3. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way.

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link:

See you there!

Cicerone Study Activity Session #5 (Webinar)

Date: March 30th , 2020, 9:00PM-11:00PM
Venue: Online – Webinar

English below the event summary in Japanese.


Activity 2a: Malt Tasting Worksheet
Activity 2b: Malt Flavors in Beer
Activity 3a: German and Czech Hop Flavors
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Road to Cicerone ®, German Beer Styles Course



  1. Zoomソフトを事前にダウンロードし、ご使用の端末(スマホ/パソコン)で動作確認をお願いします。
  2. 事前に配信されるプリントの印刷及び筆記用具をご用意ください。
  3. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。


The 5th session is a first in succession of sessions for The Road to Cicerone ® German Beer Styles study aid. Due to Covid-19 and the resulting social distancing, the session be run remotely, hosted on Zoom. Participants must have a phone or a laptop with a web-camera and internet access to participate. Beer sample list will be provided after the attendees RSVP as going on the Facebook event page. You have to order the beer 2-3 business days before the event to make sure that it will arrive on time. I am not affiliated bottle shop stores on the sample list. Please order the beer only from the provided links – we must have samples from the same shop/batch/expiration dates. Zoom invitation link will be provided by Facebook Messenger directly before the start time.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 2a: Malt Tasting Worksheet
Activity 2b: Malt Flavors in Beer
Activity 3a: German and Czech Hop Flavors
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Notes for participants:

  1. Please download Zoom software prior to the activity. Test it and make sure it works on your phone/computer.
  2. Print out the required activity sheets that will be provided beforehand and have pen or a pencil to take notes.
  3. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way.

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link:

See you there!

Cicerone Study Activity Session #4 with a Light Dinner

Date: March 16th , 2020, 7:00PM-9:00PM
Venue: Craft Cafe Imazato

English below the event summary in Japanese.



Activity 13a: Wee Heavy Style Contrast Tasting
Activity 13b: Scottish Ale Grist
Activity 14a: Strong Ale Comparison Tasting
Activity 14b: Barleywine Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Road to Cicerone ®, British & Irish Beer Styles Course



  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。


Currently, the activity is limited to 5 people including myself due to limited amount of samples. However, if more people will be interested in attendance, more samples can be procured. Therefore, please RSVP as soon as possible. The participation cost is as follows: beer sample cost of 8000yen (tentative) and 2000yen for food/beer credit. Monday menu has 3 types of Imazato’s critically acclaimed hamburger. The sample will be split between the attendees. Example: for 4 attendees sample cost is 2000 yen and 2000 yen for food/drink will sum up to 4000 yen, for 5 attendees the cost will be 3,600 and so forth.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 13a: Wee Heavy Style Contrast Tasting
Activity 13b: Scottish Ale Grist
Activity 14a: Strong Ale Comparison Tasting
Activity 14b: Barleywine Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way.

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link:

See you there!

Cicerone Study Activity Session #3 with a Light Dinner

Date: March 2nd , 2020, 7:00PM-9:00PM
Venue: Craft Cafe Imazato

English below the event summary in Japanese.



Activity 10a: Brown Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 11a: IPA Comparison Tasting (ブライトテイスティング)
Activity 12a: Pale Ale Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Road to Cicerone ®, British & Irish Beer Styles Course



  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため筆記用具をご持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。


Currently, the activity is limited to 4 people including myself due to limited amount of samples. However, if more people will be interested in attendance, more samples can be procured. Therefore, please RSVP as soon as possible. The participation cost is as follows: beer sample cost of 5000yen (tentative) and 2000yen for a one Imazato’s critically acclaimed hamburger and 1 pint of kegged beer. The sample will be split between the attendees. Example: for 3 attendees sample cost is 1700 yen and 2000 yen for food/drink will sum up to 3700 yen, for 4 attendees the cost will be 3,300 and so forth.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 10a: Brown Beer Comparison Tasting
Activity 11a: IPA Comparison Tasting (blind tasting)
Activity 12b: Pale Ale Comparison Tasting
Bonus Activity: How to Taste Beer

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way.

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link:

See you there!

Cicerone Study Activity Session #2

Date: February 20th , 2020, 8:00PM-10:00PM
Venue: Lingua World Cafe

English below the event summary in Japanese.



Activity 7a: The Effect of Carbonation on Beer Flavor
Activity 8a: Porter Cocktail Tasting
Activity 8b: Porter Comparison Tasting
Activity 9a: Stout Comparison Tasting
Activity 9b: Irish Stout vs. American Porter
Activity 9c: Imperial Stout vs. Baltic Porter

Road to Cicerone ®, British & Irish Beer Styles Course



  1. 必ず開始時刻までにお越し下さい。遅刻された場合でもイベントは定刻通り開始します。
  2. キャンセルの場合は直ちにご連絡ください。主催者(Daniel Kotlikov)に直接連絡するか、このイベントページにメッセージを下さい。
  3. テイスティングノートを取るため文房具を持参ください。
  4. コーヒーなど濃い味の飲み物はセミナーの始まる一時間前までにお済ませ下さい。
  5. 香水や匂いが強い美容製品(ハンドクリームなど)の使用はご遠慮下さい。
  6. イベントの参加は満席になってもキャンセル待ちリストに追加可能ですのでご連絡ください。


Currently, the activity is limited to 4 people including myself due to limited amount of samples. However, if more people will be interested in attendance, more samples can be procured. Therefore, please RSVP as soon as possible. Beer sample cost of 8000yen (tentative) will be split between the attendees. If there are changes I will let you know. Since Lingua have kindly allowed us to use their space, after the event, please order food and drinks to support them.
The activity list is as follows:
Activity 7a: The Effect of Carbonation on Beer Flavor
Activity 8a: Porter Cocktail Tasting
Activity 8b: Porter Comparison Tasting
Activity 9a: Stout Comparison Tasting
Activity 9b: Irish Stout vs. American Porter
Activity 9c: Imperial Stout vs. Baltic Porter

Notes for participants:

  1. Please be on time, if you’re not there we will start without you.
  2. If you cancel, please message me or/and write a post on the event page. Do so at your earliest convenience.
  3. Please bring a pen or a pencil to write tasting notes.
  4. Don’t drink coffee or other strong flavored beverages one hour before before the event.
  5. Please don’t wear perfume or other strongly scented beauty products (hand cream etc).
  6. If the event is full contact me directly for the cancellation stand-by list.

This course book can be purchased at the link below. I am not affiliated with Cicerone Certification program in any way.

The registration is going to work on first to RSVP as attending first served basis.

For event time, location and registration please use the below Facebook link:

See you there!